COVID-19 Response Plan

COVID-19 has required a rapidly evolving response in how we do business. We at Kwela Solutions have immediately implemented the following measures to protect our staff, the community and to ensure continuity of service for our customers.

Here are the key measures that we have implemented and as this is an emerging situation, these measures will revised and updated on an ongoing basis.

The Folio Support Team

Folio Support will continue as normal. Support will be available from 9AM to 5PM AEST from Monday to Friday via telephone (02) 8283 3868 and email

The Folio Sales Team

The Sales Team can be reached on (02) 8283 2190 and email

Implementations & Training

If you have restrictions on face to face meetings, we are equipped to deliver implementations and training via online meetings. If you have an implementation in progress, our team will be reaching out to you with regard to your options.

Team members will still have face to face meetings if a client requires it. This will continue as long as Government policy allows it and it is safe to do so.

Work From Home

Effective 18/3/2020, our entire team is working from home. We plan to use the digital tools at our disposal to the maximum extent possible to support us.

Our Support & Implementation teams will be using our VOIP phones to keep in contact with you. Our external online meetings will be via zoom. All our internal communications will be through Slack and our teams plan to hold internal meetings with a combination of Slack video calls and Google Hangouts Meet. These are extraordinary times and while Work from Home can never replace a great office vibe it enables us to keep or team off public transport and also to manage key person risk.

We will reassess this strategy on an ongoing basis and I sure we will find what works and what doesn’t over the coming days.

COVID-19 Response Ideas 

As a risk, compliance and incident reporting platform Folio is ideally placed to support you COVID-19 response, if you have any questions on functionality that you think might fit in Folio or would like a hand to get an idea going, please reach out and we will be happy to help.

If you have a Question:

Call us on (02) 8283 3868 or email: